Saturday, April 14, 2018

Can a mafia boss take on a monster?

The US, UK and France launched missile attacks on supposed chemical weapons sites in Syria yesterday morning. The United Nations had destroyed all chemical weapons in Syria in 2014. "In record time, even amid a civil war, we removed and have now destroyed the most dangerous chemicals in the regime's declared stockpiles," said the then Secretary of State, John Kerry and President Obama claimed that this would "advance our collective goal to ensure that the Assad regime cannot use its chemical arsenal against the Syrian people...". The US seems not to have learnt from its failure to find WMDs in Iraq when it launched a totally illegal war which resulted in the removal and subsequent hanging of Saddam Hussein. The UN Weapons Inspector, Hans Blix was scathing about the way the US lied to justify its invasion of Iraq. More than a million Iraqis, almost all civilians, have paid with their lives because of the illegal war launched by the US and UK. Ever since Margaret Thatcher won the war against Argentina over Falklands every British prime minister has hankered for a war to show bodies as trophies. Blair encouraged Bush to attack Iraq and Obama unnecessarily attacked Libya under pressure from David Cameron, resulting in over 30,000 civilian deaths and over 50,000 wounded. Now it is Theresa May's turn to earn some points by bombing Syria, especially since she lost her majority in the House of Commons in an ill-considered election last year. It is shocking that May considers it more important to waste money on bombing people in another country when her government is closing wards in the National Health Service so that patients are dying in hospital corridors while waiting for a bed. Each cruise missile costs $1,4 million and over 100 missiles were fired at Syria. In an irony, a brown woman, Nikki Haley defended the 'white man's burden' at the UN Security Council. "Only a monster targets civilians and then ensures that there are no ambulances to transfer the wounded," said Ms Haley. Hear, hear. We did not realise that Tomahawk cruise missiles carried first aid kits with them. Was there a chemical attack on Douma as claimed? The pictures were harrowing but we do not know when and where they were taken. The French immediately concluded that Bashar al Assad was responsible, rejected by Russia. Russia blamed the UK for the chemical attack on Douma, rejected by the UK. The rebels had lost in Douma and agreed to a Russian proposal to withdraw from there. Assad had absolutely no reason to use chemical weapons on Douma knowing that it will invite reprisals. The rebels, on the other hand, had every reason to carry out the attack as revenge for defeat. They could have been told by the UK or the US. When you need trophies you create excuses. If Assad is a monster, Trump is a "mafia boss" according to "untruthful slime ball" James Comey. 

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