Sunday, September 04, 2016

We cannot take anything at face value, can we?

A meeting of G20 nations is being held in Hangzhou in China today and tomorrow. To make is seem a success the 2 biggest polluters, the US and China, agreed to ratify the Paris climate change agreement. All hail the great leaders. But is it kosher? In 2014, one year before the Paris summit, the US and China had agreed a deal in which the US will try to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 26-28% below 2005 level and China will try to peak its CO2 emissions by 2030. This according to the official White House site. Note that China will continue to increase its emissions till 2030. After yesterday's announcement Obama said," Just as I believe the Paris agreement will ultimately prove to be a turning point for our planet, I believe that history will judge today's efforts as pivotal." Pants on fire? " Our response to climate change bears on the future of our people and the well-being of mankind," said Xi Jinping. The well-being of mankind is inversely proportional to the future of China. Not just CO2, China is destroying the planet by its insatiable appetite for ivory and parts of exotic animals, although they are not of any medicinal value. As for the US, its hunger for energy is unlikely to reduce because Americans, at an average of over 2000 sq feet, have the largest living space of any country in the world. Indians use an average of around 250 sq feet, some live in less than 100 sq feet. Our government should read all the fine print with great patience before agreeing to any deal with these bandit nations. While Obama is desperate for any kind of legacy the Chinese decided to treat US journalists and officials with extreme lack of courtesy, probably to show their disrespect for a lame-duck president with a hostile Congress. A Chinese fellow screamed," This is our country. This is our airport." Probably meaning that they can behave like macaques if they want. It is only fitting that Obama should be followed by Hillary Clinton as president, even the liberal Washington Post cannot disguise her inconsistencies. At a questioning by the FBI her memory failed her at least 35 times in a period of 3 hours. Is anyone with such poor memory fit for the Oval Office? Meanwhile the son of Obama's old friend, the former Pakistani Army Chief,  Ashfaq Kayani, who helped with the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011, to help Oabma win re-election in 2012,was kidnapped by Al Qaeda and then freed in exchange for 2 daughters of the Al Qaeda chief, Ayman Al-Zawahiri. While, Obama will step down in January Xi Jinping is stuck. He has declared himself commander in chief and has been jailing opponents to get himself declared 'core leader'. If he steps down he can expect them to come after him. All smoke and mirrors, isn't it?

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