Thursday, September 01, 2016

A wall may benefit Mexico more than they think.

The liberal media in the US is going berserk in its abuse of Donald Trump because of what he has said about building a wall on the border with Mexico. What is seen as particularly provocative is his proposal that Mexico will pay for the wall. Today we are told that Trump proposes to withhold remittances, sent by Mexicans to relatives back home, to force Mexico to pay for the wall. Naturally, liberals are using the word blackmail, conveniently forgetting sanctions imposed on Russia by Obama to force it to accept a highly corrupt right wing government in Ukraine. Trump has also threatened to leave the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, with Mexico and Canada. In the high decibel abuse of Trump no one has bothered to analyse how a wall and the repeal of NAFTA will affect Mexico. The reason drug gangs have turned Mexico into hell, especially for women, are guns from the US, where the Second Amendment has turned into a kind of religion. Mexico has stringent gun laws but is unable to control smuggling of assault weapons from across the border. The cost to Mexico in drug related crimes, the corruption of its police and the killing of innocent people, like the disappearance of 43 students in 2014, must be astronomical. The cost of building a wall will be an infinitely small portion of that and if Mexico can stop gun-running the country can save vast billions of dollars. Secondly, NAFTA has not been such an unqualified success as it is made out to be. The compounded annual growth rate of Mexico's GDP was a mere 2.4% from 1994, when NAFTA came into effect, to 2014, whereas it was 7% from 1961-1970, 6.5% from 1971-1975 and 6.9% from 1976-1981. Per capita income in the 20 years of NAFTA has grown by a minuscule 1.4%. NAFTA destroyed small farms so that young people, with no source of income, found refuge in drug gangs and cheap imports of Chinese goods into the US killed off the expected bonanza in industrialization. Mexicans have gained in one aspect. Which is obesity, as people have become addicted sugary drinks from the US. On the other hand US farmers have gained for decades from dirt cheap labor provided by impoverished immigrants from Mexico. Lastly, why are people dying to go to the US, sometimes literally? Because of the quality of life, the excellence of education and the chance to become wealthy. If all of Mexico, or Bihar, migrated into the US it would not remain a desirable destination for anyone. Animals of different species have many similarities, such as there is very little lifestyle difference between cows and buffaloes but there is no similarity between Indians and Americans. That is because human beings are defined by culture. Uncontrolled immigration destroys culture and creates tension. Not good.

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