Friday, September 05, 2014

If the tail wags the dog the dog is stupid.

So, Al Qaeda has opened a new franchise in India. Because India is a soft state where so called minorities have more rights than Hindus. For instance Muharram is a holiday in India but not in Saudi Arabia. Christians enjoy 54 religious holidays in a year - Christmas, Good Friday and 52 Sundays. Sundays are Sabbath for Christians, Saturday in Israel and Friday in Muslim countries. These cowards will not declare Jihad in China, where the Uighurs are being ruthlessly eliminated, because the Chinese will execute them in a ' death van ', sell the kidneys on the black market and throw the bodies in a mass pit. How can you enjoy your virgins when you are hollow inside? Just as Bin Laden was protected by the Pakistani army so is Zawahiri. The Pakistani army and the ISI do whatever they please because they are sure that our government will never retaliate whatever their crimes. But a greater responsibility is that of the US which continues to protect Pakistan, supplying it with money and arms, despite the ISI being solely responsible for masterminding and funding the 9/11 attacks. Now a former CIA analyst, Bruce Riedel has suddenly woken up to the menace of Pakistan and wants it pronounced a terrorist state by the US so that sanctions can be applied. Why now? Was he asleep when he was working? Maybe because the Islamic State has started recruiting volunteers in Pakistan. The army will be no match for the IS because it controls much of the business in Pakistan and its officers will try to protect their wealth before the country. The Americans are probably worried about the nuclear weapons falling into IS hands. After the takeover of Tripoli airport in Libya by Islamist rebels 11 planes have gone missing. There is worry that these could be used as in 9/11 attacks although it will be difficult to avoid detection while crossing the Atlantic. European targets would be much closer and easier. These are civilian planes and cannot be used for bombing but if a nuclear bomb is detonated inside an aircraft while it is flying over a city it would wipe out everyone. Who is responsible for the Islamic State and the fall of Tripoli? The United States. For removing Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi. These crimes were committed at the behest of Britain, a slave state of the US, which makes them all the more stupid. First, George Bush Sr succumbed to Margaret Thatcher's order of not going ' wobbly ' on her and in the last few years Obama has repeatedly succumbed to David Cameron, by allowing NATO planes to bomb Gaddafi's forces and now unnecessarily confronting Russia in Ukraine. Cameron is desperate because he is in danger of being wiped out in next year's elections but why Obama is willing to be pushed around is a mystery. A bunch of idiots are in power. 1914 all over again?

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