Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Another head for the hydra.

Much to the delight of the Syrian government, which says that it was informed in advance, the US struck Islamic State targets in the north of Syria. The problem is that while the Iraqi government formally asked for US help the Syrians have warned that any bombing of Syrian territory will be a violation of its sovereignty. To provide itself with the figurative fig leaf the US has gathered together a coalition of the usual suspects, including the Gulf Arab states. Arabs bombing Arabs, which absolves the US. The Gulf Arab states were supplying money and arms to the Sunni Syrian rebels to get rid of the Alawite Bashar government, which they see as heretics. So why have they ganged up with the US in bombing the IS? Maybe because a Caliphate is dangerous to their control of the 2 holy mosques in Makkah and Medina. Or maybe because they will do anything to stop the US from asking Iran for help. The Gulf Arabs detest, and are terrified of, Shia Iran which, with the help of the Shias in Iraq, the Alawis in Syria and the Hezbollah in Lebanon can easily beat the hell out of them. The organisation of the IS shows how the Jihadi terrorist groups have been evolving: from the Mujahideen to the Taliban to Al Qaeda to the Islamic State. First with US help, then with help from Pakistan and now independently. The IS is the most violent and vicious so far. It learnt how the US kidnapped suspects, many of whom were innocents or children, transferred them in secret to Guantanmo and tortured them into confessions, based on which they are being held indefinitely. So they do the same to any western person they can get hold of. The US and Europe will be desperate to keep the fighting bottled up in Iraq and Syria. What they are really terrified of are the 15,000 foreign fighters who have joined the IS. Many of them are their own citizens who could return home to carry out terrorist attacks. The FBI apparently has 100 Americans under surveillance. While the gasbag Obama promises to " degrade and destroy ISIS " another little terrorist cell has just been hatched in Syria. This one goes by the moniker of ' Khorasan ', led by an acolyte of the great guru, Osama bin Laden, a 33 year old from Kuwait called Muhsin al-Fadhli. This group apparently specialises in toothpaste bombs. The miracles of science! What these groups do not realise is that they have a massive friend in the US of A, the National Rifle Association which wants guns for every child in the US, pink ones for little girls. There are 300 million guns floating around in the US, enough to arm an army. How will the US government deal with a dozen suicide terrorists armed with a selection of guns? 

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