Wednesday, September 03, 2014

A nation on happy pills?

If an entire nation can be deluded then it is the US. Protected by the Pacific in the west, the Atlantic in the east, and militarily weak nations, Canada and Mexico, to the north and south it lives in a cocoon of self congratulations in its moral superiority over the rest of the world. Born a Jew in Germany in 1923 it is astounding that Henry Kissinger has forgotten the horrific results of the assumption of superiority of one race over others and has so blindly accepted the superiority of a nation, the US, over the rest of the world that he masterminded the ' peace with honor ' strategy in Vietnam, prolonging the war by 4 years and killing thousands in Vietnam and Cambodia. " Only rarely in history do statesmen find an environment in which all factors are so malleable; before us, I thought, was the chance to shape events to build a new world, harnessing the energy and dreams of the American people and mankind's hopes," he has written. In breathtaking arrogance he has assumed the role of a statesman who is carrying the hopes of mankind on his shoulders which gives him the right to create history, regardless of the cost in lives lost. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot also suffered from similar delusions. A man of great intelligence he has been able to influence policies of a succession of very mediocre politicians. Compared to his other crimes his opinion that " Indians are bastards " and that Indira Gandhi was a " bitch " and a " witch " maybe ignored. The Wall Street Journal has published extracts from his new book, ' World Order ' which clearly illustrate the delusions Kissinger is suffering from. " A nation founded explicitly on an idea of free and representative governance, the US identified its own rise with the spread of liberty and democracy and credited these forces with an ability to achieve just and lasting peace," he writes. Either he is a compulsive liar or his memory is fading at the age of 91 years. The US was founded on the persecution, ethnic cleansing and imprisonment in reservations of native Americans and became rich with the free labor of slaves. " Liberty and democracy " are still selective in the US as the killings of Trayvon Martin and  Michael Brown have shown recently. The US has committed massive genocides in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. It has supported tyrants when it suited its own interests and killed them if they disobeyed. US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie encouraged Saddam to invade Kuwait and when he did the US destroyed Iraq. A quarter of a million people died. In a polite article Anantha Nageswaran refutes economic points raised by Kissinger. If the US continues in its delusions of superiority it will surely lead to a devastation. The Islamic State, Boko Haram and the Misrata rebels are just the beginning. Be warned.

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