Friday, June 06, 2014

What if the Axis powers won World War II ?

In hideous triumphalism the US and Europe are celebrating the landings on Normandy beach 70 years ago in what would be the final push towards Hitler's defeat. But what if the Axis powers had won World War II? What would it have meant for India? For a start the British would have been defeated and India would not have been divided. There would be no Pakistan so no ISI, no Lashkar-e-Taiba and no Taliban. There would be no Bangladesh and so no infiltration of illegal immigrants feeding the Indian Mujahiddeen. The famine in Bengal was created by the British, to take revenge for freedom fighters, in which more than 3 million died. So Churchill would have been hanged as a mass murderer that he was. Had Japan not bombed Pearl Harbor the US would have stayed out of the war and there would have been no nuclear bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Without the support of the British and the French the US would not have dared to commit genocide in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya. Cockroach-eating Chinese would have been ruled by Japan and India would not have been humiliated in 1962. Tibet would be a free country. The UN Security Council would consist of Germany, Japan, Italy, India and maybe the US. There would have been no arms race between the US and the USSR so only the US would have developed nuclear weapons and since they would have no need to use them the technology would wither away. The world would have been a nicer and more peaceful place. As it is the west precipitated an unnecessary civil war in Ukraine to needle Russia. The east of Ukraine is Russian speaking and do not want to be part of the European Union which the western half wants. Surely that is not a crime and does not justify the Ukrainian government using helicopter gunships and tanks to kill its own citizens. David Cameron of Britain is a virulent critic of Russia for supporting the rebels in the east of Ukraine. But he is threatening to leave the EU if Jean-Claude Junker is elected Chief of the European Commission. Surely, the US and other European countries should jointly bomb Britain if it leaves the EU. Former French Prime Minister, Michel Rocard has told him to get out of Europe. Scotland is to hold a referendum on independence from Westminster in September of this year. If Scotland becomes independent then the United Kingdom will cease to exist. India should demand that Britain should be thrown out of the UN Security Council to be replaced by us. Not as good as hanging Churchill perhaps but a little revenge at last. It will be sweet none the less.

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