Sunday, June 22, 2014

The power of one.

On 28 June, 1914 a 19 year old Serbian student named Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo. Exactly one month later on 28 July Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and the World War I had begun. It stopped in 1918 after 10 million men had died. On 17 December, 2010 a 26 year old roadside vegetable vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in front of the municipal building in the town of Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia. On 14 January the President Zine Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia and the middle east was on fire. On 8 June, 2010 Wael Ghonim a 29 year old Egyptian Google employee found a picture of 28 year Khaled Mohamed Said who had been beaten to death by the Egyptian police. He started a Facebook page titled ' We are all Khalid Said '. On 12 February, 2011 President Hosni Mubarak was forced to resign. In March 2011 protests began in Syria leading to civil war which drew in terrorists from all over the world, leading to the formation a fanatical group, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. On 13 March, 2003 George Bush, then President of the US invaded Iraq leading to the capture and hanging of Saddam Hussein. Today, 39 Indians are trapped in Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq by the fighters of ISIS who maybe using them as human shields. The world has never been changed by mobs but by the action of single humans. Sure, there have been monsters such as Churchill, Hitler, Pol Pot and now Kim Jong Un but civilisation has been built by men like James Watt who designed the steam engine, Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb and Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone. Very few people would know that George de Mestral invented the velcro, which has made laces and buttons redundant, Tim Berners-Lee designed the World Wide Web in 1989, without which life would probably come to a halt, and professors of economics still quote from ' An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations ' published in 1776 by Adam Smith. The middle east produced prophets which is why it has been the killing field of the world for millenia. The problem has been compounded by exploding population growth with global warming, leading to poor crops and rising poverty. We are not eating our dead as yet but that day come. Meanwhile unemployed people with nothing to do, crammed together in crowded slums read the fiery words of prophets and kill each other. Perhaps it is best that human beings become extinct before we end the world.

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