Monday, December 19, 2011

The union cabinet will meet today to discuss the final contours of the Lokpal Bill to be introduced to Parliament. The debate has been on whether the Prime Minister and lower ranks of the civil service should be under the ambit of the Lokpal but the real problem for the politicians has been the demand for the CBI to come under control of the Lokpal. Indian politicians being criminals fear being imprisoned if the CBI is truly independent. Mr Sharad Yadav, a politician, has said," If the CBI is independent not 27 but 27000 people will be in jail for corruption." Even this emasculated bill is up for discussion only because of the campaign by Anna Hazare against corruption. While it is easy to understand why criminal politicians and thieving civil servants are hostile to Hazare it is hard to fathom the reason for the hostility of the English press. Except for an occasional article supporting Hazare the vast majority are critical, even abusive, of him. What is worse, most of the criticism is based on lies. One lie is that Parliament is supreme. It is not. The people are supreme. A second one is that it is the sole right of MPs to enact laws and to ask them to pass a law for a strong Lokpal is to disrespect Parliament. Firstly, MPs are merely representatives of the people who have to express the will of the people. Secondly, politicians are criminals and to say that is stating a fact and not disrespecting Parliament. Some of the articles are personal attacks on Hazare who has nothing to gain from a strong Lokpal. One fellow quotes that champion of democracy, Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray as saying that Anna's pressure tactics denigrate Parliament. Thackeray also says that all the laws are there to stop corruption, all it needs is the will. Exactly. Criminal politicians will never have the will unless they receive a hard kick in the pants. But why are journalists so angry with Hazare? Most journalists are freeloaders, getting free drinks, banquets and cheap land at taxpayers' expense. A lot of them must be getting a share of the loot collected by the politicians to keep them quiet. They are angry because a strong Lokpal will reduce their black money by making it difficult for politicians to steal. Sneaky bastards.

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