Sunday, December 11, 2011

So, Pakistan Prime Minister, Gilani thinks that there is a lack of trust between the US and Pakistan after the killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers by NATO troops recently. Before that 2 Pakistanis were executed in cold blood by Raymond Davies who was then found to have diplomatic immunity. In total humiliation Pakistan was made to release Davies without any conditions. Then Osama bin Laden was killed right under the army's noses in the garrison town, Abbottabad. The Pakistanis were not informed in advance showing how the US mistrusted them. The US has been using drones to kill Taliban militants within Pakistani territory violating their sovereignty at will. Now Gilani said in a BBC interview that the border crossing into Afghanistan, which is used to supply NATO troops, will remain closed for weeks. Gilani is just repeating the old Pakistani bluff of being indispensable in the fight against terror, how Pakistan is an ally of the US and how Pakistan is the largest sufferer of terrorism having lost 30,000 civilians to terror attacks. The world has grown tired of these lies and is beginning to see Pakistan for what it is, a failed state controlled by totally corrupt armed forces who are the sponsors of terrorism worldwide. If the US was not so blinkered it would have acknowledged that the 9/11 attacks were masterminded by the ISI. Exposed for what it is Pakistan runs to China for comfort but it should know that the cockroach-eaters are a brutal uncivilised people as was shown when Pakistan had to tender a grovelling apology for Uighur unrest in Xinjiang province. Pakistan should realise that mad dogs have no friends. They end up getting shot. To death.

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