Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best to have more criminals.

Kim Jong Il's funeral was a most astonishing spectacle. Ranks upon ranks of people,possibly up to a million, standing still in bitter cold while an old, bald headed fellow droned on about how great the dead man was, never mind that hundreds of thousands died of famine under his rule. A BBC analyst was brutally honest. South Koreans are physically bigger than the North Koreans and South Koreans throw away more food than North Koreans get to eat. Yet there they were, forced to honor a man who appeared to be a buffoon with a bouffant hair style partial to western music and cognac. Now they will have to bear plump 28 year old, Kim Jong Un who definitely needs to change his barber. This kind of hero worship is possible only in a one man dictatorship. Things are slightly better in oligarchies such as China and Iran where the system, whether communist or religious, is more important than any one man thus preventing concentration of power in one person. Anyone seen as an embarrassment or seeking to challenge the system is ruthlessly eliminated. The previous railway minister in China, who has been held responsible for the high speed train crash because of his corruption, has been removed and may be executed. However, democracy is the best because it provides opportunity to a greater number of people by diffusing corruption across society. The Occupy Wall Street movement in the US is against concentration of wealth in the hands of 1% of population. But, 1% of 300 million is 3 million which is a large number. In India 1% of 1.2 billion means 12 million people with money and power, which is a huge number. " Democracy " is composed of 2 Greek words - " Demos " which means common people and " Kratos " which means rule or strength. Yet, we the people are totally powerless against a combination of criminal politicians, thieving civil servants, conniving business people and an obedient press who tell us that we do not count because parliament is supreme. At least we are not forced to stand in the cold for hours and listen to a boring speeches. Many scoundrels are surely better than one.

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