Wednesday, December 07, 2011

How low will Congress politicians sink? Telecom Minister, Kapil Sibal has demanded that internet services such as Google and Facebook manually screen content from India to find and delete offensive and derogatory content. Cunningly he sited insults to religion as his reason for this weird request. That he is lying is revealed by Google Transparency Report which between January-June Google received 358 requests from government to remove content from its sites of which 255 were for criticism of the government. Only 8 ( 2.6% ) were for hate speech and 3 for pornography( 0.78% ). Told to shove off, and rightly so, he has threatened to institute some form of censoring. As per HT editorial today his gestapo tactics were prompted by 3 we-hate-Sonia Gandhi sites on Facebook. It is astonishing that Congress invertebrate creepy crawlies have absolutely no shame in public footlicking . Because of such unquestioning and absolute support Mrs Gandhi has power of life and death over all Indians and inspires a great deal of fear. Even opposition politicians never dare to criticise her. It is this fear that is expressed in these sites. Meanwhile retired Judge of the Supreme Court and presently Chairman o the Press Council has criticised the press for reporting actor Dev Anand's on front pages of newspapers. He is of the opinion that poverty, farmer suicides and economic problems should have precedence. For most Indians life is a miserable struggle for survival. Dev Anand took people away from reality into a fantasy world of love and beauty. Away from ugly criminal politicians. Justice Katju maybe trying too hard to see his name in print.

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