Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nepalese Prime Minister, Baburam Bhattarai said," The copied traditional democracy in South Asia serves only small sections of society." Not just South Asia, democracy has become the ultimate refuge for scoundrels, knaves and flunkies the world over. Politicians in every country are self-seeking bullies ready to sell out to the highest bidder. People have suffered monarchy, feudalism, fascism and other forms of tyranny. Communism was a utopian concept wherein everyone would be equal with resources divided according to need but turned into a great evil controlled by some of the biggest mass murderers the world has seen such as Stalin and Mao. Seems that criminals and psychopaths always manage to conquer power no matter what system of government we devise. So it is with democracy. The US is paralysed because its politicians are bought by big business who will block any attempt to regulate or tax the rich. Greek politicians falsified accounts to join the Euro leading to a binge of borrowing bringing the government to the brink of bankruptcy. Sarkozy wants to be Nepoleon and has become a father to prove his size. Cameron has wasted at least 500 million pounds on bombing Libya while cutting health care and education. India is a police state controlled by the Congress. Delhi Police has decided to stop all construction work and remove laborers at Aerocity near Delhi airport for 3 hours before movement of VVIPs. Meanwhile our VVIP Prime Minister says," We must guard against the mood of negativism that seems to have gripped the country." How? When we are and will remain aam while you and your friends are khas forever.

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