Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mr PD Dinakaran was Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court in 2009 when he was recommended for elevation to the Supreme Court by the collegium of judges who decide such things in great secret. The Bar Council objected to his appointment to the Supreme Court alleging acquiring property illegally and encroaching on government land so the then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Mr Balakrishnan, asked Mr Dinakaran to go on leave while the allegations were being investigated. Naturally Mr Dinakaran refused, following which he was transferred to Sikkim High Court as Chief Justice. The lawyers in Sikkim kicked up a fuss and the Rajya Sabha decided to take preliminary steps on a long process of impeaching him. Seeing matters becoming sticky Mr Dinakaran resigned his post complaining of being victimised because he is of a lower caste as if being lower caste is some sort of immunity against being punished for crime. Mr Balakrishnan, who has retired since then, has been appointed as Chairman of the National Human Rights Council as a sinecure and there have been reports of his family members acquiring public land at throw away pries. There has been a public outcry against him and calls for his resignation but, as usual, greed is far stronger than sharam or izzat so he has refused. On June 13, 1997 a film hall in Delhi called Uphaar went up in flames after a transformer exploded in the basement. Fifty nine people died and 100 were injured. Ansals, the owners of the hall were sued for lack of emergency exits. Today the Supreme Sourt awarded Rs 1 million for those over 20 years of age and 0.75 million for under 20s. Such are our justices.

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