Monday, June 20, 2011

"You all want that inflation should come down. Neither the Ministry of Finance nor the has any magic wand to bring down inflation," said Mr KC Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor of the RBI. ( TOI, today ). In other words all these fellows have no clue as to what is going on and what to do about it. Why is the suffering taxpayer paying huge salaries and unlimited perks for such useless fellows? To think that India is run by the Most Famous Economist! Mr Chakrabarty goes on to say,"...Instead of saying that RBI should bring down inflation, we must increase productivity and bring down the cost of services and that will only bring down inflation. Otherwise, it will not come down." Precisely what we have been saying for months. Cut multiple extortionate taxes on services and allow foreign investment in retail. As for increasing agricultural productivity it will influenced by factors such as weather, available land and cost of fertiliser which is dependent on oil prices. One way is to adopt genetically modified plants but that will hand over control of food production and sovereignty to foreign companies such as Monsanto. Much better long term solution is to reduce demand by reducing population and the only way that will happen is if there is no incentive for the poor to have children. 1. Stop all forms of child labor. 2. Make begging illegal. People should not be allowed to exploit their own children to make them earn money. 3. Anyone born after 1995 would not be given state aid if they have more than one child. Female child will get double the aid. Sadly it will not happen. Politicians are criminals and criminals have no loyalty.

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