Thursday, June 16, 2011

More versions of " democracy ". Couple of days back the Prime Minister of Thailand, Abhisit Vejjajiva, was at the World Economic forum meeting in Indonesia where he was talking about the coming elections in his country. This fellow became Prime Minister after an army coup pushed out Thaksin Sinawatra, the elected leader and the " Constitutional Court " banned the next elected government allowing Vejjajiva to sneak in. Last year he got the army to murder dozens of Red Shirt protesters and has put others in jail where they are still being held. He issued a chilling warning in Jakarta that if the opposition win they will not be allowed to change any part of the constitution meaning that if the opposition win they will have to toe the army line or will be thrown out again. Of course, Vejjajiva is sure that an army coup, killing of unarmed civilians and holding meaningless elections are all for " democracy". Meanwhile in Greece people are protesting against severe austerity measures being proposed by the government to balance its budget. Greece is in this deep hole because a previous government lied about its debt level to become part of the common currency, the Euro. Surely that fellow should be tried for economic crimes for bringing the country to its knees. It has emerged that $ 6.6 billion dollars sent by the Bush government to administer Iraq were stolen. Apparently cash was loaded onto C 130 Hercules planes and flown to Iraq where it was spent without accounts. Now the Republicans are blaming Obama for the economic mess and refusing to raise the debt ceiling. Forget the mafia, " democracy " is today the refuge for the worst scoundrels.

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