Monday, June 06, 2011

Depending on your point of view Baba Ramdev is either a contortionist clown in saffron or a revered yoga guru who is worth an entire Scottish island as a gift. Whatever he may or may not be he is a citizen of India, born in this country as were generations of his ancestors. Peaceful protest is a fundamental right of every citizen in a democracy unless you are in a fascist kleptocracy called India. Ramdev had organised a peaceful protest against epidemic corruption in the country after the shameless liars employed every slimy trick to spike the Lok Pal bill. When they were unable to stop him they sent in the police in the dead of night to beat up sleeping, innocent, unarmed women and children and threw Ramdev out of Delhi, exactly as happened in Egypt and Bahrain. Isn't it terrifying that 63 years after so called independence a foreigner is able to beat up Indian citizens using Indian police paid for by Indian taxpayers? Maybe it was yoga or the saffron color which acted as a red rag. The present Pope has said that yoga is " evil " and Italians are all Catholics. Is that why the Congress is so anti Hindu? It is humiliating for us that we are beaten up for peaceful protest while our government goes on " bended knees " to talk peace with Pakistan after they send in terrorists to kill our citizens. Ben Ali did a runner, Mubarak is under arrest, Saleh is licking his wound in Saudi Arabia and Assad is just hanging on. It is time all Indians rose up to get rid of families especially The Family which has been the foundation of all evil in this country. While we are at it will somebody stitch up the mouth of the Rottweiler? Piecemeal will not do, exterminate all the vermin.

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