Monday, May 09, 2011

Seems that the Prime Minister's Office, PMO has written to the Sports Ministry to ask the CBI and ED to investigate the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee,OC for " irregularities " in organising the Games as pointed out in the Shunglu committee report. Why? The Supreme Court is already seized of the matter and has instructed the two agencies to work without fear or favor. Everyone knew about the blatant loot before the Games were held in September of last year so what has taken the PMO so long to wake up to the fact. Fact is that the Comptroller and Accountant General,CAG had reported serious misconduct while auditing the OC's accounts for 2007-2008, three years ago. The CAG talked of " no proper guidelines in regards to maintenance of records ", " camouflaging of figures in accounts " and " a serious lapse of internal control". This is as explicit and damning as the CAG can get. Why does the PMO have to direct these agencies to investigate? Does it mean that CBI and ED are controlled by politicians and civil servants who are all criminals? Why specifically the Organising Committee of the Games? The OC, after all, had budget of Rs 25 billion while the Delhi government had a budget of Rs 700 billion and was responsible for building the infrastructure which was collapsing even before the Games started. Is this an effort to protect the " Wide Receiver "? Meanwhile the CBI is having to send officers to Mauritius to investigate one of the scams. Let us hope we do not have a repeat of Bofors which lasted for years and required our sleuths to run all over the world including St Kitts before filing for closure. Buy them girlie magazines. Cheaper by far.

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