Thursday, May 05, 2011

The propaganda channel BBC showed unconfirmed pictures of young men in Syria lying on the ground, their hands tied with wires, being beaten by the police. This was supposed to be evidence of the brutal repression of pro democratic protests by a hated regime. The pictures, however, looked strangely familiar. Arab men, hands tied with wire, being beaten by men in uniform. Flash back to Baghdad in 2003 and these could be Iraqi men being kicked by US soldiers before being taken to Abu Ghraib and photographed naked by US perverts. The US can kill, kidnap, rape, poison, torture and imprison while Britain and other white countries applaud from the sidelines. It is all done for world peace and to free the locals from bad dictators. Meanwhile the International Criminal Court is deciding whether to issue arrest warrants for certain Libyan officials who they think are guilty of crimes against humanity. Started with great fanfare the selective justice of this institution makes it another weapon in the armory of the white man to legitimise attacking other countries. Just as the Security Council supports US gangsterism across the globe so the ICC provides the necessary fig leaf to European governments to attack weaker nations. If Charles Taylor or Gadhafi are to answer charges of crimes against humanity then so should George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair and all other American and British fellows guilty of genocide in Iraq. The US is also guilty of unimaginable stupidity. Humiliating Pakistan while supplying more aid will only will make its army more determined in helping terrorists. Seems that Bush is not the only moron.

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