Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our most esteemed Home Minister said recently," We live in perhaps the most troubled neighborhood in the world. In this neighborhood there are countries with governments that are extremely fragile. All of this increases the threat to our security and independence." He was referring mainly to Pakistan which is supported by China. With the greatest respect to the minister our greatest danger comes from within, our politicians. Time and again we have handed back gains made by the extreme sacrifices of our ill equipped armed forces without any returns. In 1965 we handed back land won from the Pakistanis when our forces were sitting on the banks of the Ichogil canal in Lahore. In 1971 we handed back 80,000 Pakistani forces for nothing. We denied refueling facilities to Israeli planes when they wanted to bomb Pakistani nuclear facilities allowing the Pakistanis to make more nuclear weapons than us, jeopardising our very existence. After the Mumbai attacks we go on " bended knees " to talk peace. With China we recognised Tibet as their territory thus allowing them to claim Arunachal Pradesh. We refused the offer of a seat at the UN Security Council, eagerly accepted by the Chinese who are now creating so many problems for us. We allowed the Chinese entry into the WTO without any returns. Time after time our politicians have allowed our enemies to kill Indians, to violate our land, to support criminals in India and harm our interests internationally. Now the minister promises " the best training, the best technology and the best working conditions " for our security forces. But is it not already too late?

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