Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A day of ironies. Beset by problems at home President Obama flew to the slave country, Britain. Britain was heavily involved in the slave trade but there he was in Buckingham Palace being humbly welcomed by the Queen who reminded him of the " Special Relationship " between the US and Britain, that of master and slave. Then a meeting with another man in deep trouble with his economy, David Cameron who is trying to divert attention to another bogey man, Gaddafi just like Blair did before him. Cameron would have wanted permission to continue the illegal bombing of Libya killing 3 of Gaddafi's innocent grandchildren as well as other civilians in order to save civilians. White man truly speak with forked tongue. While this charade was going on, back home Binyamin Netanyahu was speaking to joint houses of the Congress getting standing ovation after standing ovation. Having already trashed the concept of going back to 1967 borders with Palestine Netanyahu categorically declared that undivided Jerusalem was going to be the capital of Israel. He also said that Judea and Samaria were always Jewish land and Jews are not invaders. Then he went walk about with his wife. It is infantile to think that an independent Palestinian state will bring peace to the middle east. Pakistan is breeding terrorists 63 years after independence to inflict a " thousand cuts " on India, with US support. While Obama was making this impractical suggestion David Headley was telling a court of how the ISI had planned the attacks on Mumbai just as it had planned 9/11. Bernard Shaw that that half the Americans are fools. The other half believe in the tooth fairy.

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