Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another conspiracy. Today's Times of India quotes Liberation, a French daily, which has published off the record comments made by Mr Dominique Strauss-Kahn on April 28 where he feared that one of his opponents would pay a woman to accuse him falsely of rape. Apparently he said that he imagined " a woman who had been raped in a car park and who was offered between 500000 and 1000000 euros to make up such a story." Well, it was not a woman in a car park but a hotel chambermaid who came to the US from Guinea in Africa just 7 years ago and would be easily coerced by the threat of deportation. The US would definitely prefer right wing Sarkozy, with his delusions of Napoleon, rather than an intellectual Socialist as president of France. That is why any bail, even with electronic tagging, will be strenuously opposed so that Strauss-Kahn cannot contact his friends to try and find the truth. On another front, it seems that George Bush and Pakistan had come to an understanding that once Bin Laden's whereabouts were discovered the US would kill him and Pakistan would object vociferously. This agreement was renewed in 2008. So the present slanging match between the US and Pakistan must be play acting. Politicians like the dark where they can plan their intrigues and play their little games which give them a false sense of being above the people. We saw how Obama was so puffed up with self importance as he announced the death of Bin Laden. That is why they hate sites like WikiLeaks which, by exposing the truth, show us how petty they really are. As long as knaves have power there will be conspiracies. The " grassy knoll " is still there.

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