Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bin Laden's death has created a lot of controversies. Former ISI chief, Hamid Gul believes that Bin Laden was not in the house but the Americans are claiming to have got him because that gives them an excuse to get out of Afghanistan. Others claim that the raid was led by Tom Cruise and will be shown in the tenth sequel of Mission Impossible. I believe that Bin Laden was captured alive and has been handed over to the Republicans to be tortured. He is having to listen to Bush telling him how he thought that Afghanistan is in Iraq and WMD was Saddam's initials. Rumsfeld is asking him all about known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Cheney keeps inviting him to come and shoot some birds. Newt Gingrich is driving him crazy with jealousy recounting how many babes he pulled without having to drink Avena syrup. John Boehner keeps breaking into tears hearing of how many times Gingrich scored. Donald Trump keeps insisting on seeing the long form of his birth certificate. Sarah Palin is trying to teach him how mama grizzlies grunt while giving birth and the mating call of a moose. Tea Party jihadists are showing him how they will give tax cuts to the wealthiest americans while cutting education, medicare, government employees and all government spending. Bin Laden will be left wondering why he was wasting his time and money trying to kill a few hundred americans when he could have destroyed the lives of millions by joining and financing the Tea Party. That is why President Obama is refusing to release pictures of a dead Bin Laden. Because he is being reditioned. Diabolical.

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