Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The leaders of the Congress gang have told members to stop airing their differences in public. ' Politics is not a vehicle for fulfilling personal ambitions. There are times when inflated egos, baseless notions and overrated views dominate actions of certain people. ...... politics of social responsibility cannot be left to the whims of certain individuals.' Quite. In other words do not have independent thought. The entire gang should concentrate on the elevation of one family on to a pedestal regardless of merit or past betrayal of the country. Kneel down, touch your head to the ground and obey orders if you want to get a ticket to fight the next elections regardless of the crimes you have committed and are committing right now. Power controls the exchequer and the entire legal structure thus giving complete unaccountability. To remain in power is to shut your eyes to criminal sale of licences and loot of funds for third rate games. Instead use law enforcement to hound the only relatively honest chief minister because of the killing of a criminal terrorist because the people might be misled into demanding honesty from every politician. Then where will we be? Talking of Congress, Mrs.Sonia Gandhi and Mr. Rahul Gandhi had to rush to the US to see Mrs. Gandhi's mother who was taken ill last week. We hope the old lady made a complete recovery and pray that she lives to be 150 years old. However this was an absolutely personal visit and Mrs. Gandhi's mother is not a citizen of India. We hope, therefore, that not a single paisa of taxpayer money was spent on the visit and it was funded from Mrs. Gandhi's own fortune. RTI application anyone?

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