Monday, July 19, 2010

Talk to anyone living in Delhi and they will moan about the endless torture they have been enduring in the name of the useless Commonwealth Games. Those who can aford it are making plans to leave the city during the entire period of the games while taxi and auto drivers say they will not go anywhere near the stadiums. The strange thing is that no one protests. In any other country there would have been street protests against the callous way in which roads have been dug up and the savage increase in taxes. But not here. For centuries the people of Delhi have been complicit in crimes committed against the country. Any warlord that invaded India, from Tughlak to Babar to the British based their capitals in Delhi because they found a population willing to help in the subjugation of the rest of India for a share of the spoils. In all the countries that I have visited, including the barbaric middle east, I have never seen a people so ready to tell lies and to indulge in criminal activities to make money. In other countries young people are rebels willing to challenge the authorities for ideals. Not here. Here the college going boys and girls are shallow and mindless. Their days are spent in hanging around in coffee shops or shopping malls engaged in useless banter or chatting on brain destroying cell phones. Flush with cash which come from the black money earned by their parents they think nothing of buying a pair of jeans for a few thousand rupees only because some stupid actress wears the same brand. They neither know nor think nor care about the country, its people or the destruction being wrought by criminal politicians and thieving civil servants. After all their parents are of the same ilk and their spending money comes from loot. Thus Delhi has been and still is the city of betrayal.

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