Friday, July 02, 2010

It has become almost a crime to be a Hindu in India. Criminal politicians have created an environment of hate against Hindus with a view to be seen as ' secular ' and get the votes of so called minorities who are already some 25% of the population and breeding like rats so that they outnumber Hindus in a couple decades. Lying freeloading journalists constantly equate Hindus with the Taliban and write hate articles. Even the courts seem to have been influenced. Thus a fast court convicts a Hindu for Kandhmal riots and sentences him to jail but another court grants bail to a Muslim implicated in the Best Bakery bomb case. Hinduism is secular. Since no one has seen what God looks like and it is doubtful if he is a white haired man with a flowing beard we have many Gods and Godesses. Yet Hindus never fight among each other saying that my God is greater than yours. We do not fight wars because we do not convert others and do not go to heaven by killing or converting kafirs and heathens. One God fellows have been fighting and massacring each other and ' non believers ' for thousands of years. They claim to worship the same God but differ in who their prophets are. Prophets appeared at different times in the past and preached to the people. They did not write down their words. Their words were written down, often after many years, from the recollections of their followers. Prophets were human and so must have suffered from human conditions such as constipation or a pimple on the bum. However to make their religions credible prophets are worshiped as perfect and no one is allowed to question the written word on pain of death. This makes it easy for them to kill infidels. We Hindus do not want to kill or convert. Please do not kill or convert us. Just leave us alone to choose our own hell or heaven.

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