Friday, July 16, 2010

Coming to Delhi by train I see this woman lying on the filthy floor of the station concourse. She did not look like a beggar woman but like someone waiting for a late train. Naturally she was dirty. By her side in the dirt lay five dirty children, obviously comfortable with their mother. The government has decided to bring in a law that will make it a criminal offence for parents to hit their children. Children will be allowed to take their parents to court for cruelty as in the US. For a first offence the punishment will be a fine of Rs. 5000 and prison for one year and for a second offence a fine of Rs. 25000 and prison for up to 3 years. Very laudable. Sadly India is the world leader in crimes against children. It is a crime to give birth to children when you cannot give them quality food, clothing and shelter. It is a crime not to give them quality education. It is a crime to send little children out to work to enjoy their income. It is a crime to abort girls fetuses. It is a crime to sell daughters to pimps for some extra money. It is a crime to marry off girls as little as five years old. It is a crime to deny medical care to children in pain because of reluctance to spend drink money. All these crimes and more against children are happening every minute in India quite openly but the criminal politicians choose to ignore them because they want legions of illiterate undernourished humanoids who will vote for them for cheap rice or a cheap sari at taxpayers' expense. Cruelty to vulnerable innocent children in any form is abhorrent so it must be wiped out. To do that we have to give children the very basic right NOT to be born. Sadly this bill is intended to punish only the middle class because the Congress hates and fears the educated middle class. That is why it has launched a campaign of punitive taxes and vindictive laws to take us back to 1950-1990 when the Congress controlled every aspect of daily life. Keep the people poor and illiterate and they will bow to the ground for a kilo of rotting rice. The Congress desperately wants such control.

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