Tuesday, December 29, 2009

When you are convinced that you are the Supreme Leader then you cannot conceive of anybody higher than you. This makes you God and everyone knows that God is always right. So if anyone has the audacity to protest you can strike him or her down with fire and brimstone. Or in this case tear gas, batons and bullets. First you steal the elections, then you lie about the authenticity of the results and finally when people protest you suppress them ruthlessly. They expose your lies through facebook and youtube so you shut down the internet. They take pictures with their mobiles and send them abroad so you shut down telecommunications. You let lose your angels of death, the Basij militia to frighten the populace but their righteous anger overcomes their fear and they turn on the police and the militia. The police kill about ten protesters on the holiest day of the year and are then made to lie about the causes of death. The body of Ali Musaivi, nephew of the winner of the elections is made to disappear because you do not want the pictures all over the world. Torture and rape are your weapons against protesters who have been arrested but you continue to deny that they ever happened. You can do anything because you are God. You are the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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