Sunday, December 27, 2009

Apparently 364 government clerks in UP have been discovered to be multimillionaires or as we say in India ' crorepatis,' where one crore equals 10 million. One lower division assistant in the education department owns a cold storage, a shopping complex and his wife stood for election for MLA. Thankfully she lost. Another fellow owns three palatial bungalows and half a dozen cars. Surprise, shock, scratch your head. However could this have happened? Only the police, Vigilance department and the CBI do not know what every Indian child knows and that is that 99% of sarkari fellows are thieves, crooks, cheats, liars, confidence tricksters and hustlers. Everyone knows of the ' chain ' wherein bribes taken by the clerk go up the ladder to the very top. Go to the housing department of any municipality and you will find fixed rates of bribes without which you will never get planning permission or completion certificate. The fee of the architect includes the bribes he will have to pay to get your house built. The remedy is simple. Reduce the number of kleptocrats by 80% and increase the salaries of the remaining by three times provided they agree to the' hire and fire ' system. Applications must be approved within one month or written explanations must be given. Unfortunately criminal politicans are part of the chain and they are the ones who can pass laws.

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