Friday, December 18, 2009

Suppose you warn your mother not to go out in the winter cold without proper warm clothes but she does not listen and catches a severe chill with high fever, severe cough and probable pneumonia. Because she is solely responsible for her illness does it follow that you will not get her treated? Let us assume that you know that her fate and your fate are linked and that her death will result in your death as well. Will you still refuse to get her treated choosing to blame your brothers who did not take her money and are very poor? This is exactly what the rich countries are doing at Copenhagen. The fact is that mother Earth is rapidly developing a fever which has the potential to deatroy us all. It is criminally stupid to argue whether this warming is man made or due to natural causes. Whatever may be the cause it has to be treated and we should try and bring down the temperature. The rich countries are trying to force poor countries to accept the same level of cuts as them. Even if they succeed, which they will not, the poor will continue to cut down forests and burn wood for cooking. When you are worried about your next meal you do not think 50 years into the future. The US may have the best defence shields in the world but it cannot air condition the whole country. Obama was full of hot air about change but he is no different from Bush in trying to destroy Kyoto. He is just a bull**** artist.

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