Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One idiot stitches up a bomb in his underpants which misfires causing him serious burns in the most tender regions of his body. He has to be one of the stupidest men in the world because what man would allow anyone to put a bomb in his underwear. Not surprising, therefore, that his father surmised something was afoot and warned the US embassy which ignored the warning and issued him a visa nevertheless. Much like the Indian consulate in Chicago issued a visa to Headley. So who pays for the stupidity of the officials? We the travelling public, of course. Searches at airports, which were unbearable before, will become even worse. You will not be allowed to leave your seat well before landing and will not be allowed to cover your lap or use a blanket. Time may come when they may close all the toilets and force passengers to use diapers. A lady in FBI had sent a memo warning about the 9/11 perpetrators receiving flying lessons but this was ignored. So the idiot Bush attacks Iraq killing hundreds of thousands and making the terrorist situation worse. The Fed and the Treasury allowed banks to gamble with the savings of ordinary people so when the crash came ordinary people lost their jobs and homes while the bank crooks continue to get huge bonuses. Criminal politicians and uncivil servants never get punished while we, the people continue to suffer. Not much difference between the US and China, only one of degree.

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