Tuesday, December 22, 2009

After nineteen long years former Director General of Police of Haryana, SPS Rathore has been found guilty of molesting 14 year old Ruchika who committed suicide. As DG of police Rathore not only contrived to delay any sort of justice but hounded the family mecilessly to have the complaint withdrawn. Ruchika's brother was thrown out of school and arrested on eleven different charges of car theft, all of which were later thrown out by the court. He was also beaten up by the police. Blaming herself for the suffering of her family Ruchika took her life by swallowing insecticide. So what is the punishment for this monstrous bastard? Six months, yes months, in jail and a fine of Rs. 1000, just 20 lousy dollars. His wife, Abha Rahthore, is an advocate. So we have the chief of police molesting a 14 year old girl, protected by his lawyer wife and his sarkari friends and receiving a derisory sentence from the court. Rathore has promised to appeal and says he is confident of being found innocent. Of course he is. With a criminal justice system as ours criminals, especially politicians and sarkari bastards, can enjoy their life of debauch while the souls of the victims continue to cry for justice.

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