Friday, October 25, 2019

It is neck and neck between criminal investigations.

The Democrats in the House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump last month. The Democrats have a majority of 234 seats in the House against 197 for the Republicans. Democrat hostility started from the day Trump won the 2016 election, based on a dirty dossier compiled by the Deep State from allegations made by a discredited British secret service agent. The Democrats seemed affronted that Trump beat Hillary Clinton and blamed the loss on Russian interference through stories planted on social media. In fact, Russian interference is much less than what the US has been practicing for decades. The US helped organize a coup against a democratically elected government in Iran which brought the Shah into power and led to the Islamic government of today, that sees the US as the Great Satan. It is believed that the assassination of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was orchestrated by the CIA for increasing the price of oil which led to a recession in the US.
Democrats discount Trump's victory because Hillary Clinton got nearly 3 million popular votes than him but this was because she got 4.3 million more votes in California alone, which is why the Founding Fathers designed the electoral college system to prevent one state from imposing a president on the rest of the nation. In fact, not only did Trump win the presidential ballot but the Republicans won 4,100 out of 7,383 state legislative seats, the most since the 1920s, they won control of both legislative chambers in 32 states and had 31 governors, compared to 18 for Democrats, thus completely overturning the majorities inherited by Barack Obama in his first year, wrote former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Perhaps, the left wing in the Democratic Party cannot get over the fact that Trump's election was an emphatic rejection of the 8 years of Obama's tenure. In 2016, the earnings gap between median male black and white workers was the same as in the 1950s. A 2-year investigation by Robert Mueller found no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump campaign team but could not rule out obstruction of justice. Trump claimed that allegations of Russian collusion was a criminal conspiracy by Deep State so US Attorney John Durham was asked to investigate the allegations. This has now turned into a criminal investigation. Perhaps, spooked by the criminal investigation new allegations emerged that Trump had asked the President of Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden who is campaigning to be Democratic candidate against Trump in 2020. This prompted the Democrats to start impeachment investigation which will allow them to ask for all documents from the White House and try to dig up some dirt somehow. As to why Hunter Biden should not be investigated for criminal dealings has not been explained. Lindsey Graham has introduced a resolution in the Senate condemning the House inquiry. It is on a knife edge. Trump has his base so it is for the Democrats to lose. We shall see.

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