Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Anything out of control is unsafe.

Fifty years ago it was assumed that "by the early part of this millennium, space travel would be routine; machines would be terrifyingly intelligent; and computers and humans would have intelligent conversation," wrote S Chitnis. "By that yardstick, the present is decidedly underwhelming. Our phones have become smarter, interfaces slicker, and communications faster. But other predictions haven't come to pass." Though robots are used extensively in manufacturing, social media companies are the biggest users of technology as they seek to increase viewer numbers to increase their revenue through advertising. "A generation of our best engineers are spending their productive output on building behavioral nudges that manipulate users to stay on their platforms." Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be beneficial to human beings by increasing efficiency, improve productivity by eliminating mistakes and enrich our lives through Internet of Things (IoT), as our dumb gadgets communicate with each other to carry out mundane tasks, relieving us from having to remember them. But just as it is useful IoT offers hackers easy opportunities to take control of all the gadgets and inflict enormous damage. Facebook shut down an AI language learning program because it developed its own language. Although their language appears to be gibberish it terrified people because it appeared that machines were trying to develop their own communication which would bypass human control. "The difficulties we're wrestling with today with narrow AI don't come from the system turning on us or wanting revenge or considering us inferior. Rather, they come from the disconnect between what we tell our systems to do and what we actually want them to do," said Rosie Campbell at UC Berkeley's Center for Human-compatible AI. "Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence tool that can synthesize fake human fingerprints and potentially fool biometric authentication systems." Scientists are creating neural nets based on the human brain which are like "black boxes". Once an algorithm is fed in there is no way of knowing how it arrives at conclusions. Cyber warfare is already a reality, as the Chinese hacked into the US government's Office of Personnel Management in 2014 and stole highly sensitive data on "the most important people in the American security and intelligence community", wrote S Deb. "AI is a big fat lie. Artificial Intelligence is a fraudulent hoax -- or in the best cases it is a hyped-up buzzword that confuses and deceives," wrote E Siegel. AI can digest vast amounts of data but cannot create its own ideas. A human will understand the command, "Get rid of him" as "show the man out", but a robot may kill him. That is the real danger.

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