Friday, December 07, 2018

Not much difference between hackers and politicians, is there?

"You have heard of profiling criminals, but welcome to fashion profiling -- the practice of classifying and targeting individuals based on their clothing brand preferences," wrote V Friedman & JE Bromwich. This data was obtained by Cambridge Analytica (CA) from Facebook. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to face 12 hours of questioning from a Congressional Committee on how data on users was passed to CA. Politicians were incensed that Facebook may have influenced US presidential election in 2016 and because customer privacy had been compromised. Obama did the same in 2012 to win re-election but he is not blamed because Facebook knew what he was doing while CA turned over the information to a third party. That is surely not the point. Obama was still violating privacy of people by profiling them without permission. "Fashion profiling is another facet of this approach, using data analysis to identify the way brands are perceived..." "Essentially the reason is the same," said A Kogan. "Different people choose different clothes and it corresponds with their politics." Politicians all over the world pretend outrage at companies intruding on our privacy while reserving the right to know everything about us. Australia has just passed a law to force companies, such as Facebook which owns WhatsApp, to install a weakness in its end-to-end encryption system so that authorities can read messages of whoever they want. This is done apparently to protect people from terrorists and criminals. They don't care that criminals can also hack into that weakness to access personal information to be used for blackmail or to steal money. Police in California tricked a private company's DNA database to track down the so-called Golden State Killer. "The investigators apparently set up an account on a genealogy site using a fake name, and uploaded DNA sequences obtained from crime scenes years ago. Then they used the website's software to search for people whose DNA indicated they might be related to the perpetrator -- and came up with a list of families." Quantum computing will be able to break any encryption simply by its brute power. Virtually the entire Indian population has been forced to obtain a unique identity number based on iris scans and prints of all 10 fingers, called Aadhaar. We have been told that this information is completely safe. Not for long. Pakistani intelligence ISI will be able to hoover up all the information on Indian citizens by using a quantum computer. That will be true globalization. When everyone will be naked.

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