Sunday, June 19, 2016

If there is equality can you have leadership?

For 70 years after World War II political liberalism became the established norm for the world, especially in western countries. Social services for the disadvantaged, feminism, rights for homosexuals and minority rights were written into constitutions. The Soviet Union broke up, with domino effect on Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, and globalisation, under the supervision of the World Trade Organization, was supposed to bring wealth to every citizen of the world. Now the picture is completely changed, creating enormous rage among liberal intellectuals. " Every major power is struggling with economic, social, and political churning," writes a professor. " The global economic outlook is made more uncertain by the retreat of free trade." And," The major powers are also expecting the rise of clacking, madcap conservatives - religious fundamentalists, racists, hypernationalists, cultists, homophobes, anti-abortionists and misogynists." Anyone who is not a liberal, in other words. There is apparently a 1 in 5, or a 20%, chance of a fringe candidate grabbing power in a major western country. Although confident that common sense will prevail and people will deposit their faith in the far superior intellect of liberals the present situation is alarming. But when people vote in large numbers for Donald Trump they are labeled as " racist, sexist, xenophobic " and a " confederacy of dunces ". Not much respect for democracy there. Young people are angry as they see " social injustice on an unprecedented scale, massive inequities, and a loss of trust in elites - define our political moment, and rightly so ". For the first time since 1880 more adults are living with their parents than are living with a spouse or partner. This is because salaries have not kept pace with the rise in real estate prices, as the rich buy up more assests by borrowing at virtually no interest. The question is: Whose fault is it? If liberals have been running the rich countries then they should take responsibility for today's mess. If people lose jobs because China is dumping steel on world markets then it is reasonable to blame globalization for their misfortune. They vote for those who talk about protecting domestic industries behind high tariffs and tearing up trade deals. A study started in Britain in 1946 shows how the children of today have much less chance of climbing up the social ladder than just after the war. Economists have studied how to balance efficiency and welfare, but they do not formulate policy. Donald Trump is a racist because he proposes to restrict entry of Muslims into the US but Obama is a humanitarian even though he has killed thousands of innocent civilians, all Muslims, using drones. If everyone is equal there cannot be one leader. There in lies the problem with equality.

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