Thursday, January 21, 2016

Do they want to fight everyone?

A report by a retired High Court judge in Britain alleges that the Russian President, Vladimir Putin probably approved of the killing of Alexander Litvinenko, using radioactive Polonium, in London in 2006. What kind of a judge gives a probable opinion? Is that what they do in British courts - fellow probably committed a crime so throw him in jail? Clearly, this is a hatchet job by a retired judge, eager to please his political masters so that he is given more sinecures in future. So, who was Litvinenko? He was a KGB agent who turned rogue and was working for the British. He was therefore guilty of treason which would be punishable with life in prison, if not hanging, depending on where you are. Ever since David Cameron became Prime Minister he has been itching to start wars. He instigated the illegal war on Libya despite Gaddafi's warning that removing him would lead to the rise of Islamic terror groups which will attack Europe. An Iraqi defector, code named 'Curveball', lied about Saddam Hussein's WMD program, which led to the Iraq war. The first Gulf War killed at least 200,000 and another 500,000 are estimated to have died due to the second one. Britain was an eager accomplice in all these killings but is curiously shy about revealing the full extent of its involvement. The US has published some of the torture inflicted by the CIA but Britain is silent about its role in widespread war crimes, torture and genocide. Not only do the US and Britain commit atrocities they also support a wide range of terrorist groups like the Al-Nusra front in Syria. Pakistan is said to be mourning the dead in the attack on Bacha Khan University a couple of days ago. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the death of Pakistani scum just a few days after 6 of our soldiers were killed in the attack on Pathankot Air Force base? Who trains, arms and funds this terrorists? Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Afghan Taliban follow orders of the ISI, which is the intelligence unit of the Pakistan army, said Hafez Saeed Khan, chief of the IS-Khorasan, contemptuously calling them 'tawaghit' which means 'evil powers'. " There are specific arrangements in those regions and the Muslims will soon hear pleasant news about the Khalifah's expansion to those lands," he said about Kashmir. Pakistan has 110-130 nuclear warheads to threaten India so that it can continue with its support of terrorist attacks on India, says a US report. So what is the US going to do about it? It is going to reward Pakistan with a nuclear deal similar to that with India. Not only do the US and Britain commit the most genocides, they are also the biggest state sponsors of terrorism. We can only pray that these nuclear weapons go towards the west.

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