Saturday, January 09, 2016

A round face with a prominent moustache is very suspect.

Delhi has deteriorated rapidly under the rough despotic Chief Minister, in the past one year that he has been in power. Roads have not been repaired, piles of garbage everywhere and electricity outages have become common, lasting 7 hours in South Delhi on the 8 January. Instead of working hard to improve our lives he abuses everyone from Prime Minister to civil servants in the most uncouth language. Civil servants went on strike against his thuggish behavior, to which he wanted to " replace bureaucrats with professionals and sector experts ". Indeedy doody. Thing is, Kejriwal qualified as a mechanical engineer from IIT, Kharagpur, which is a premier institute in India. That makes him a professional. Yet he absconded from his post as Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax to start a NGO. We confess that we are extremely cynical about NGOs, of which there are more than 3 million in India. As the Delhi High Court observed," 99% of the existing NGOs are fraud and simply moneymaking devices." Why are we suffering from power outages, lasting for hours? Because Kejriwal is protecting people who have not paid their bills. This is one of the bribes, like free water, with taxpayer money that he used to win his election. The car rationing scheme imposed on us by diktat is an assault on our freedom and our lives. Studies show that most pollution comes from burning of stubble by farmers, coal fired power plants and burning of wood by poorer people. Pollution from vehicles is not more than 25%, of which cars will be a small proportion. Although 2.8 million cars are registered in Delhi the actual number is much less because a car's registration is not cancelled when it is trashed. That does not stop Kejriwal from assaulting the citizens of Delhi with this punishing scheme. He has employed a top lawyer to defend the scheme in front of the Delhi High Court, when the data shows that pollution levels have been no better than other years. This, despite unusually mild weather with virtually no fog to trap pollution in the air. Is the lawyer indulging in blatant perjury in front of the judges? Top lawyers charge humongous amounts to represent, so we, the taxpayers are paying for lies about a scheme that punishes us. A man with a round face and a prominent moustache is suspect as pictures of El Chapo, just arrested in Mexico and Dawood Ibrahim clearly demonstrate. Who is the psychopath then?

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