Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why are we so unlucky?

The British divided Indian society into principalities, along caste and along religious lines to perpetuate their rule but it was the struggle to get rid of them that united us into one nation. Sadly, our new masters, the politicians still continue to divide the nation for personal gain. Maharashtra banned the eating of meat for 4 days to coincide with a Jain festival, inviting an immediate reaction from a political party which set up a stall to cook chicken just outside a Jain housing society. In Mumbai people who eat meat are excluded from buying apartments in certain areas if they are not vegetarians. First, vegetarians in India, including Jains, drink milk which contains cow proteins. Meat is protein, so they are not really vegetarians. Second, discrimination is aggression, which surely is against the principle of vegetarianism. Some states have banned the eating of beef. It is true that pig meat is not allowed in any Muslim country or in Israel but beef has been sold in India for many centuries. Besides we almost never see beef because it is sold in highly selected areas. A ban enrages people and even those who normally would not eat beef would want to eat it. Even worse, a mob beat a Muslim man to death in UP for eating beef. Cow slaughter has been banned in UP for over 50 years. Yet Kanpur in UP is the largest tannery center in India. The whole episode was completely unnecessary because it is so stupid. Most people who object to eating beef, and strict vegetarians, have no objection to wearing leather shoes and leather belts or carrying leather wallets which are all made from cow hides. Bihar is to hold elections to its assembly shortly. Politicians are blatantly catering to caste divides and some, like Lalu Yadav, are openly calling it a caste war. They pretend to care for lower castes, called 'dalits', which means 'the oppressed'. So now even the dalits have been subdivided into 'mahadalits', which means 'supreme oppressed'. As opposed to a common or garden variety of oppressed, we presume. If there is fighting between different groups leading up to the elections politicians will blame trouble makers or outsiders but never themselves. The solution is easy. Just ban castes, just as you have banned beef. But that they will not do because it is not in their interest. 1,37,000 people die in road accidents every year. The answer is to build good roads, proper driving rules and plenty of traffic police on busy roads. Most of our tax money is used for handouts to win elections. So humps are built on major roads, to slow down traffic, because they are cheap. The result is that 11,000 were killed by these same humps, most of them on 2 wheelers. And, handouts may win votes but result in India having the highest child mortality in the world.Only opportunists, liars and charlatans, why are we so unlucky?

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