Monday, September 28, 2015

Baddie or bigger baddie, that is the confusion.

While the Indian media was solely fixed on our Prime Minister, as they should be, perhaps a greater drama was playing out on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York where Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin shook hands, when their facial expressions suggested that they wanted to slug each other. " The talk we had today...was very constructive, businesslike and very frank - surprisingly frank," said Putin, after a meeting with Obama. In diplomatic language 'very frank' means they abused each other and 'very constructive' meant that Putin was able to win the argument. Putin is a former KGB agent who sees the break up of the Soviet Union, the weakness of the Russian economy and the application of economic sanctions as a humiliation for Russia and wants to show that Russia is not to be pushed around. Obama is a lawyer for whom morality is an argument in a court of law, provided the money is right. He apparently sees Putin as a bully, conveniently forgetting that he, himself is the world's most prolific serial killer, using drones to kill hundreds of innocent civilians. Putin says that defeating ISIS is the most important objective in Syria and the only way to do it is to support the legal government of Bashar al-Assad. Russia is building bases in the western city of Latakia but says that it has no intention of sending its troops into battle at present. Russia and Iran have been meeting in Iraq, which was 'liberated' from the baddie, Saddam Hussein by the US. The US supports good terrorists with training, to get rid of the baddie, Assad, while bombing ISIS and scolding the Al Nusra front. Just as they support the good Taliban who have just captured the northern city of Kunduz in Afghanistan. Mr Modi, like Putin, rejects such stupid distinctions. Obama's hand has been weakened by the thousands of migrants flocking into Europe and, unless there is a quick solution to the Syrian crisis, thousands more will come, putting the European Union under great stress. Eastern European countries are being forced to take in migrants against their will. These countries hate Russia because they were forced into the Comecon by the Soviet Union but views might change if they see large numbers of Muslims as a bigger threat. The ISIS predicts an apocalyptic war with infidels at Dabiq and Damascus in Syria, at Jerusalem in Israel and in Rome, which means against Shia Muslims, Jews and Catholics, with ultimate victory for Islam. " History is littered with the failure of false prophets, and fallen empires, who believed that might always makes right, and that will continue to be the case. You can count on that," said Obama. Has he thought that he could be the false prophet whose use of drones, bombing and sanctions could bring about the end of the US empire? Woolly headed thinking leads to confusion. Others fill the gap.

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