Friday, September 18, 2015

Secularism will do what the invaders could not.

A visit to the holy city of Haridwar is pleasing and peaceful on the one hand while being infuriating and frustrating on the other. 'Hari' is another name for Vishnu while 'dwar' means door. The holy river Ganga flows through the city and Hindus believe that a dip in the river washes away all sins. It is the only holy river in the world where millions come to pray and cleanse themselves and it is the only river whose water does not spoil if kept for months. India suffered repeated invasions from abroad and the invaders built their own prayer buildings everywhere. They believed that Hindus are heathens or kafirs and will suffer eternal damnation in hell, so Hindus should be converted, by force if necessary, for their own good. But, while suffering extreme brutality and repeated slaughters Hindus quietly continued with their own religion. Some converted under pressure, or for bribes, but since we do not convert others there was no need to fight. But a greater threat was waiting for us. After independence the new constitution declared India to be a secular state and our new masters set about trying to wipe out Hinduism. Hindus have been vilified for following a system of castes. The secularists did not ban castes, as they should have done, but decided to use castes to castigate Hindus while doling out taxpayer money to various segments, to get votes. By officially labeling people into different castes, apparently to help them, they strengthened the system, divided Hindus and tried to create violence, which would allow them to shoot to kill. But the biggest violence against us was by looting our temples. Hindu temples are some of the richest places of worship in the world because our gods are our family and friends, so we pay money so that our gods maybe properly fed, clothed and looked after. We do not know how much money is donated to temples, who controls the money and how it is spent. Temple treasures are being looted in the name of preservation. No other religion is attacked so relentlessly. Everyday pilgrims come to the Ganga in Haridwar to pray and each person pays whatever she can afford. Millions of rupees are being collected daily but the city is filthy, the car parks become muddy swamps after one shower and the stairs leading to the main temple at Har ki paidi are filthy and broken in places. Beggars, hustlers and con men try to milk pilgrims for whatever they can. The Prime Minister has started a program of cleaning India and another program to clean the river Ganga. He should stop the loot of temple funds and use the money to clean Haridwar, improve its roads, cement the car park, clean and improve the surroundings of the temple. Above all reduce the population by targeting subsidies to only those that have just one child and no more. Secularism is designed not to keep religion out of politics but to destroy Hindus. It may well succeed.

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