Thursday, December 04, 2014

Peace is only for us.

There are protests across the US against a grand jury's decision not to indict a white police officer for choking a black man, Eric Garner to death. The man was unarmed and his crime was selling cigarettes on the streets. A few days ago there were riots in Ferguson, Missouri when another grand jury refused to indict another police officer, this time for the crime of shooting an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown to death. Brown was vilified by the police, who kept focusing on his size and leaked a grainy video of an altercation in a store a few minutes prior to the shooting in which you can see a big black man but the face is out of focus. Photos from Ferguson show the police using armored personnel carriers, heavy weapons from the army and masks, resembling storm troopers from a Star Wars movie. In the Michael Brown shooting witnesses gave contradictory evidence but the choke-hold on Eric Garner was recorded on video for the whole world to see and you can hear Garner shouting," I can't breathe." So how the grand jury found no probable cause to indict the officer is a mystery. Of course, both prosecutors, Robert McCulloch in the Brown shooting and Dan Donovan in the Garner choking case are white which may have influenced how they presented the cases to the juries. Protesters are shouting 2 slogans. " Hands up, don't shoot," in Ferguson and " I can't breathe," on Staten Island. In solidarity with protesters 5 Saint Louis Rams players raised there hands during a football game which has infuriated the police. In shocking shameless arrogance the police demanded that the players be punished and the NFL should apologise to them. So why are the police so arrogant? What has given them the idea that they can kill unarmed citizens with complete impunity? Because politicians use them to beat up anyone protesting against their policies, as they did when they brutally broke up the Occupy Wall Street protests. While banks were bailed out with taxpayer money, and bankers were taking home millions in bonuses, ordinary people were losing homes to mortgage foreclosures. However, campaign financing for politicians come from Wall Street so the protests had to be broken up. If a few bones were broken in the process, then so be it. The police in Hong Kong were much more restrained when they removed barricades set up by protesters demanding free elections. Chief Executive CY Leung said truthfully that the poor will take over if free elections were held. Delhi Police responded with familiar brutality against people protesting against the gang rape of a young woman named Nirbhaya. Isn't it wonderful how we are always told to be peaceful while politicians respond with extreme violence if their supremacy is threatened even slightly. They call it democracy.

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