Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It is all because of US stupidity.

One week after Malala Yousafzai received her Nobel Peace Prize the Taliban carried out an attack on  the Army Public School in Peshawar in Pakistan in which 145, including 132 children, were killed. Pakistanis are acting surprised at this attack, which is cute. Just one month back the All Pakistan Private Schools Federation observed an ' I am not Malala ' day, in response to her book ' I am Malala ', because they consider her to be ' anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam '. Last year 27% of the people supported the Taliban and 40% did not know, which means that they did not consider it an enemy, 86% supported the army, 64% saw the US as an enemy and 69% saw India as a serious threat to the nation. There is a large faction in the Pakistan army, especially in its intelligence agency, the ISI, which supports the Taliban. Americans are well aware that the ISI was funding and arming the Taliban with US supplied arms to go and kill US and NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. Just as weapons supplied by the US are killing Indians. There is no doubt that the ISI planned and financed the 9/11 attacks and yet the US continues to support Pakistan blindly. Why? US trade with India last year was $62 billion while total trade with Pakistan $5.3 billion, less than one-tenth that with India. On the other hand US aid to Pakistan is over $2 billion every year, rising to $4.5 billion in 2010. China is by far the largest trading nation for Pakistan and Pakistani generals regularly go on pilgrimages to Beijing to lick Chinese boots. The US was responsible for removing Saddam Hussein from Iraq and look at the mess it is in. Having withdrawn all troops from Iraq Obama is again putting ' boots on the ground ' in an effort to stem the ISIS onslaught. The US supported the 2 clowns, Cameron of Britain and Sarkozy of France, to remove Gaddafi from Libya, which has descended into total anarchy. Islamist rebels have acquired planes with which to bomb government positions. US troops are going to leave Afghanistan by next year and the Taliban are salivating at the prospect of taking over that country as well. The army is stopping transfer of troops on buses after a wave of bomb attacks. Just this morning there was an attack on a bank where civil servants were being paid. The US even talked peace with the ' Good Taliban ' which opened an office in Qatar. After the Mumbai attacks, which killed 164, Pakistani minister, Qureshi said that India will come to talks on ' bended knees '. Should we be happy about yesterday's attacks as justice for Mumbai? No. Terrorism anywhere is dangerous for everybody and an attack on children is abhorrent. Obama is coming to India next month. Perhaps we should tell the gasbag that he is responsible.

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