Saturday, December 27, 2014

Do unto Americans as they do unto you?

In this season of goodwill we wonder whether the CIA is serving roast turkey, a selection of vegetables, mashed potatoes and pudding to the prisoners in its clutches. Are they being served food on plates, with cutlery to eat it with, or up the rectum, all pureed together. A US Senate report has cataloged a list of horrific torture inflicted on prisoners abducted from all over the world in a program of ' extraordinary renditions ' following the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The most amazing thing is that 54 countries collaborated in the kidnap and torture of their own and citizens of other countries without bothering to ask if the men were at all guilty of any crime. A former CIA agent has revealed how he was ordered to torture prisoners after he objected. It is not surprising that John Brennan, Director of the CIA, has defended his agency but what is infuriating is former, Vice President Dick Cheney's assertion that torture was " absolutely, totally justified ". He is the man responsible for the totally unjustified attack on Iraq which resulted in the death of up to 200,000 civilians and if anyone deserves to be fed rectally it is Cheney. If he has the slightest humanity left in him Cheney should reflect that the torture and beheading of innocent Americans by ISIS is a direct result of his own savagery. They are doing to the British and American hostages exactly what the CIA did to Muslim prisoners. Worst of all the Senate report shows how futile the torture was. Regardless of what Cheney may claim torture was not effective in revealing terrorist plots. The release of the report at this time may be related to the results of the midterm polls. With both houses of the Congress in Republican hands the report may have been buried for the next 2 years, when the presidential election comes round. With Jeb Bush as one of the possible candidates the Republicans may find it difficult to brazen it out if more Americans are tortured and beheaded. Of course, the US would never be able to commit such heinous crimes without the unconditional support of the British and the Australians. These 2 Anglo-Saxon nations instantly support the US no matter which political party is in power, as Tony Blair, of left wing Labour Party, showed by behaving as the poodle of George W Bush of the right wing Republican Party. The British government has spent nearly 400,000 pounds of taxpayer money in trying to silence a Libyan dissident who was handed over to Gaddafi's thugs. British hostages could face even tougher times in the future after it was revealed that the wife of one of the hostages, who was beheaded, was having an affair while tearfully requesting for his release. Do unto others, and so on, what?

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