Sunday, March 09, 2014

Wealth is power. Make India wealthy.

US Assistant Secretary of State, Nisha Desai Biswal was in India recently. She is said to be of Indian origin, which had everyone expecting that relations between the US and India will become all hugs and kisses after the sexual assault on Devyani Khobragade by New York  Police at the instigation of Preet Bharara, who is also of Indian origin. " I would say that the US has welcomed every leader of this vibrant democracy, and that a democratically elected leader of India will be a welcome partner," was the sanctimonious dung she offered when asked about a visa for Mr Narendra Modi. " Visa issues are handled on a case-by-case basis. And determinations are made based on the facts of the day and reviewed at the time a request is made," said the well coached parrot. Why does the Indian press humiliate us by even asking such a question? If elected Prime Minister Mr Modi should concentrate on his job of rescuing the Indian economy which has been plundered almost to extinction by the Congress. Once growth starts to pick up the Americans will come wagging their tails. Money is power. That is why the US kowtows to China, regardless of its aggression towards all its neighbors, but is constantly hostile to Russia which is a democracy. They may not like Vladimir Putin's style of functioning but then the whole world thought that George Bush was a moron. People elect who they think will serve their interests. After all, Americans elected Obama twice as President even if some Americans think him to be ' subhuman '. That is the nature of the beast. It is absolutely inexplicable how the US, especially the Democrats, is consistently hostile to India while giving billions of dollars in aid and sophisticated arms to Pakistan whose intelligence service, the ISI, masterminded and funded the 9/11 attacks. The ISI has been training and supplying the Taliban to kill US and NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. The US and Europe masterminded the break up of Yugoslavia into 6 pieces and Czechoslovakia into 2 parts but if Russia objects to the elected President of Ukraine being deposed in a coup then it becomes a crime. The US wants international monitors in Ukraine, all Russian troops to return to bases and international community support for new elections arranged by the coup leaders. They must think that the Russians are as blind as they are. We must become wealthy. Then we can do whatever we like. Like China does.

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