Friday, March 28, 2014

The answer is in the pings.

Exactly 3 weeks ago today flight MH 370 disappeared from the face of the earth carrying 239 passengers and crew. A British company Inmarsat claims that its satellites picked up pings from the aircraft engines and calculated that it could only have gone in a northern corridor over Myanmar and China towards Kazakhstan or a southern corridor to the southern waters of the Indian Ocean, about 1500 km west of Perth in Australia. There is no explanation as to why it could not have traveled east or west because the satellites are unable to locate where these pings were coming from. Then analysing the Doppler effect they came to the conclusion that it could only have gone south. Now we get reports of sighting of hundreds of pieces of debris both from planes and satellites. Since these are floating on the water they should be easy to retrieve. All they need are a few ships with nets trawling the surface of the water. Return the fish to the sea and keep everything else to be analysed to see if they are objects from the plane. Every plane carries a voice recorder and a flight recorder, designed to emit a series of pings for up to a month after an accident. Sound travels extremely well through water so common sense would suggest lowering receivers into the water to try and locate any sounds. China, the US and presumably even Australia have submarines which could scour the area to try and locate any pings from the recorders. Instead we have images of planes flying 1000 feet above the water with fellows squinting through the windows while the reporters try to convince us as to the sincerity of the search. Is it any wonder that the relatives of passengers are convinced that this is all a charade designed to fool them? There were 14 nationalities among passengers of whom 153 were Chinese and 38 were Malaysians. Among all these nationalities it is only the Chinese who have reacted with unrestrained fury, accusing the Malaysians of being liars and murderers. Surely, they should understand that no one could have predicted this, just as no one could predict the Air France crash in 2009 in the Atlantic. The truth is that they suspect their own government in Beijing of having blown up the plane and then applying pressure on the other countries to go along with the pretense. With over $3 trillion in reserve Beijing can easily pay for all the expense. Already vultures are circling. Lawyers in the US smell very large contingency fees from the billions to be paid in compensation and/or punitive damages. Maybe they will dig up the dirt.

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