Monday, March 31, 2014

Here might is always right.

With general elections in 6 days political parties have been busy selecting candidates, many with long criminal records. The more villainous a fellow the more black money he has to spend and the more thugs he has to scare off opponents. It is all very logical. It is the job of the Election Commission to ensure that elections are fair, with no cheating, booth capturing or threatening people from voting. So like Caesar's wife the EC must be squeaky clean, right? Turns out that the EC can take away our cars at will. For the sacred cause of election duty. And you cannot refuse. In 2012, Shabbir Pathan of Surat had to write off his off-roader after 25 days of continuous driving. Of course, they will not pay any compensation. Don't be silly. This time he is hiding his SUV. In February the Supreme Court commuted the death sentences of 3 men involved in the assassination of Mr Rajiv Gandhi. The Court was anguished by the fact that their mercy petition had been languishing for 11 years and the poor fellows were being held in prison. While these men were being fed, clothed, treated and entertained with taxpayer money for 11 years there will be no justice for the 14 innocent people who died in the same bomb blast that killed Mr Gandhi. The so called ' juvenile ' who was the most bestial and perverted rapist of ' Nirbhay ' in a Delhi bus in 2012 has been sentenced to a derisory 3 years in a correctional home where presumably he will receive lots of tender loving care. Such kindness for the young. Sadly the same kindness did not extend to Ruchika Girhotra who was only 14 years old when sexually attacked by Rathore, which makes him a pedophile, and who received just one year in prison but was let out on parole after serving only 6 months. This after huge public protests. In that case the media led the cover-up by consistently referring to her as a teenager, thus hiding the fact that she was a child. A 19 year old is also a teenager but is considered an adult. While Ramalinga Raju is enjoying marriage parties after confessing to fraud, Subrata Roy is languishing in jail because he has been asked to provide bail of Rs 100 billion. This when there is no evidence that Mr Roy actually cheated anybody, the one man who complained against him cannot be traced and people are still investing in his firms. However writing all this is hazardous. Our judges are very touchy when it comes to themselves. Justice does not mean only punishing a criminal but providing peace to the victim. Sadly victims suffer twice, once from the criminal and then from our judges.

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