Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The not inscrutable Chinese.

The mystery of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 gets murkier by the day. Yesterday the Prime Minister of Malaysia stated that there is no doubt now that the plane crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean, 1500 km from Perth in Australia. This is the most inhospitable part of the planet where the waters are 4 km deep with strong currents and high winds called the Roaring Forties. It took about 7 hours to reach this distance of 4000 miles and presumably ran out of fuel. The plane lost contact on 8 March over the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand and Vietnam air spaces. Naturally this area was searched exhaustively by all surrounding countries. Yet on 13 March China claimed that its satellites had spotted debris in the same area. This was searched again. On 18 March China ruled out any hijack or attack by Chinese passengers on the pilots. How did they know when there was no contact and when experts say that the transponder was deliberately turned off, the plane was flown manually to a height of 45,000 feet, much above its cruising altitude and then came down to 5000 feet, much lower than it should have. On 20 March Australia announced that there was credible satellite evidence of debris in the southern Indian Ocean. On 22 March China confirmed the findings with its own satellites. So far so mixed up. The Chinese government has been quick to blame the Malaysian government, perhaps for political gain, but what cannot be explained is the violent reaction of the relatives of the passengers. One explanation given is that because of the one child policy the death of one young person wipes out an entire generation of the family and hence the uncontrolled grief. Maybe, but these people have been brainwashed since childhood to bear every misfortune in silence. The internet is blocked and any dissent is immediately blocked. In 2008 when melamine was found in baby milk formula the protesting parents were beaten up. Also in 2008 an earthquake in Sichuan province killed thousands. Schools collapsed, killing children, but party offices were not damaged. Again protesting parents were beaten up. Anyone daring to voice an independent opinion is sent to black jails for ' reeducation '. So why are the relatives protesting so violently. Is it because they suspect their own government in Beijing of being behind the disappearance of the plane? Do they think that China shot it down? They can never voice their suspicions so they blame the Malaysians. Only the recorders can solve the mystery. If they are found.

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