Sunday, January 15, 2012

Men are mr, women are ms.

Mehsana town in Gujarat has 760 girls for every 100 boys, the worst gender ratio in India. TOI, January 13. Girls are being aborted before birth. The reason is not, as feminists would have us believe, that men are averse to daughters but the preference for boys among women. A visit to any residential area in India will show how spoilt and ill behaved the boys are compared to girls. The fact is that women do not like women. The population of the US is 53% female so one would have expected Hilary Clinton to waltz into the White House. Did not happen. Can you imagine an all-woman army, led by a Julia Caesar, crossing the Rubicon on her command? They would argue, criticise her judgement, her lack of hair, her tendency to have fits, her lack of breasts, her big bottom and so on forever and the Rubicon would remain uncrossed. Indian men are the most useless in the world. They cannot cook, iron, stitch a button, change a bulb or change sheets on their beds. One lady dentist in Knowsley in England used to put her 8 year old son to bed with a bottle of milk. To help him sleep. Fact. Unless women face the truth girls will continue to be killed. Maybe it will help reduce the population. No incubator, no chicken. Meanwhile Jennifer Lopez used to pay $10000 to her 24 year old toy boy, Caspar Smart. No harm in that. Men have been paying mistresses for centuries. What is the male for mistress anyway? Is it mister? Does that make all of us men, what the Indian press coyly calls, paramours? Ms Lopez wanted the appropriately named Mr Smart to take her on surprise trips and buy presents for her children. How yuck is that? No harm is whizzing off for a dirty weekend to Coney Island but men would strictly separate paramours from family. Some pleasures are not for sharing. Therein lies the difference. Men like women and women do not. Indian women are besotted with gold and boys. Maybe it is in the genes. No law, however stringent is likely to change the ratio. To change, women have to accept that they have a problem. But will any woman?

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