Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Leaders responsible.

People reflect the type of leaders they have. Indians lack a sense of humor, are disunited and have no respect for the law because that is what they learn from Indian politicians. Our politicians roam are around with Z plus security because they crave status knowing that they are despised. Motivated solely by self interest small local parties have paralysed parliament preventing the passage of any bill, however important for the nation. From loot to rape to murder politicians commit every heinous crime and are then protected by their parties. Soldiers returning from the Iraq war are unable to adjust to civilian life back home in the US. One 24 year old veteran, Benjamin Colton Barnes shot dead a ranger, Margaret Anderson at Rainier National Park. His girl friend said that he was irritated, depressed and moody and kept an arsenal of weapons at home. When abroad US citizens can commit any crime against locals and are then protected by their government. Raymond Davies and Amanda Knox walked free. Wikileaks video showed how a helicopter crew were laughing while hunting Iraqis, killing 2 Reuters correspondents in the process. When you are able to enjoy yourself killing locals, as in the massacre at Falujah, with no fear of punishment it must become a habit and the sudden restrictions of life back in the US is such a shock that veterans are unable to adjust. Calling it post traumatic shock provides a veneer of respectability but prevents diagnosis and treatment. In a court in Yibu in China S Balachandran, an Indian diplomat was so severely assaulted by locals that he had to be admitted to hospital. He was trying to secure release of 2 Indians who were being held hostage to secure payments. Couple of months back a captain of a Chinese fishing vessel killed a South Korean coast guard by stabbing him with a shard of glass. The Chinese government treats its citizens like trash. Anyone protesting injustice is threatened, beaten and jailed so there is an enormous anger waiting to explode. It is relatively safe to take your anger out on foreigners which makes Chinese an uncivilised nation of savages. You see the same in the middle east where foreigners are abused, workers treated worse than animals and maids raped. It is said that we deserve the government we have. In reality people have no power. Scum have taken over.

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